Research Areas
Algebra and Computing
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Mathematical Modeling in Biomedicine
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Algebra and Computing
Applied and Numerical Analysis
Statistics and Stochastic Processes
Mathematical Modeling in Biomedicine
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Papers in International Journals
Papers or Chapters in Edited Books
Communications in Conference Proceedings
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Papers in National Scientific Journals
(Member Type)
PhD Members
PhD Students
Former Members
Exclude submitted
Papers in International Journals
Ford, N.;
Morgado, M. Luísa
Rebelo, Magda
Nonpolynomial collocation approximation of solutions to fractional differential equations
Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis: 16(4), 874-891.
Lima, Pedro M.
; Nemati, S.; Ordokhani, Y. (2013)
Numerical solution of a class of two-dimensional nonlinear Volterra integral equations using Legendre polynomials
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics: 242, 53-69.
Rebelo, Magda
Diogo, Teresa
; Mckee, Sean (2012)
A Mathematical Treatment of the Fluorescence Capillary-Fill Device
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics: 72(4), 1081-1112.
N. D. Lopes
; P.J.S. Pereira; L. Trabucho (2012)
A numerical analysis of a class of generalized Boussinesq-type equations using continuous/discontinuous FEM
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids: 69, 7, 1186-1218.
Ford, N. J.;
Morgado, M. Luísa
Distributed Order Equations as Boundary Value Problems
Computers & Mathematics with Applications: 64(10), 2973-2981.
Lima, Pedro M.
Morgado, M. Luísa
Efficient computational methods for singular free boundary problems using smoothing variable substitutions
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics: 236(12), 2981-2989.
Silvestre, Ana Leonor
Existence and Uniqueness of Time-Periodic Solutions with Finite Kinetic Energy for the Navier-Stokes Equations in R^3
Nonlinearity: 25(1), 37-55.
Silvestre, Ana Leonor
; Takahashi, Takéo (2012)
On the Motion of a Rigid Body with a Cavity Filled with a Viscous Liquid
Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Section A-Mathematics: 142(2), 391-423.
Ford, Neville J.;
Morgado, M. Luísa
Fractional Boundary Value Problems: Analysis and Numerical Methods
Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis: 14(4), 554-567.
Babolian, E.; Bazm, S.;
Lima, Pedro M.
Numerical Solution of Nonlinear Two-Dimensional Integral Equations Using Rationalized Haar Functions
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation: 16(3), 1164-1175.
Bulatov, M.V. ;
Lima, Pedro M.
Two-dimensional integral-algebraic systems: analysis and computational methods
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics: 236(12), 132-140.
Rebelo, Magda
Diogo, Teresa
A Hybrid Collocation Method for a Nonlinear Volterra Integral Equation with Weakly Singular Kernel
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics: 234(9), 2859-2869.
Antunes, Pedro R. S.
Valtchev, Svilen S.
A Meshfree Numerical Method for Acoustic Wave Propagation Problems in Planar Domains with Corners and Cracks
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics: 234(9), 2646-2662.
Lima, Pedro M.
Teodoro, Filomena
; Ford, Neville J.; Lumb, Patricia M. (2010)
Analytical and Numerical Investigation of Mixed-Type Functional Differential Equations
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics: 234(9), 2826-2837.
Morgado, M. Luísa
Lima, Pedro M.
Finite Difference Solution of a Singular Boundary Value Problem for the P-Laplace Operator
Numerical Algorithms: 55(2-3), 337-348.
Lima, Pedro M.
Teodoro, Filomena
; Ford, Neville J.; Lumb, Patricia M. (2010)
Finite Element Solution of a Linear Mixed-Type Functional Differential Equation
Numerical Algorithms: 55(2-3), 301-320.
Lima, Pedro M.
Morgado, M. Luísa
Numerical Modelling of Oxygen Diffusion in Cells with Michaelis-Menten Uptake Kinetics
Journal of Mathematical Chemistry: 48(1), 145-158.
Morgado, M. Luísa
Lima, Pedro M.
Numerical Solution of a Class of Singular Free Boundary Problems Involving the M-Laplace Operator
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics: 234(9), 2838-2847.
Ford, Neville J.; Lumb, Patricia M.;
Lima, Pedro M.
Teodoro, Filomena
The Numerical Solution of Forward-Backward Differential Equations: Decomposition and Related Issues
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics: 234(9), 2745-2756.
Lima, Pedro M.
Morgado, M. Luísa
Analytical-numerical investigation of a singular boundary value problem for a generalized Emden–Fowler equation
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics: 229(2), 480-487.
Diogo, Teresa
Collocation and iterated collocation methods for a class of weakly singular Volterra integral equations
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics: 229(2), 363-372.
Teodoro, Filomena
Lima, Pedro M.
; Ford, Neville J.; Lumb, Patricia M. (2009)
New Approach to the Numerical Solution of Forward-Backward Equations
Frontiers of Mathematics in China: 4(1), 155-168.
Teodoro, Filomena
Lima, Pedro M.
; Ford, N.; Lumb, P. (2009)
New approach to the numerical solution of forward-backward equations
Frontiers of Mathematics in China: 4(1), 155-168.
Galdi, Giovanni P.;
Silvestre, Ana Leonor
On the Motion of a Rigid Body in a Navier-Stokes Liquid Under the Action of a Time-Periodic Force
Indiana University Mathematics Journal: 58(6), 2805-2842.
Alves, Carlos J. S.
Silvestre, Ana Leonor
; Takahashi, Takeo; Tucsnak, Marius (2009)
Solving Inverse Source Problems Using Observability. Applications to the Euler-Bernoulli Plate Equation
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization: 48(3), 1632-1659.
Silvestre, Ana Leonor
Steady Solutions with Finite Kinetic Energy for a Perturbed Navier-Stokes System in R-3
Journal of Differential Equations: 247(7), 2124-2139.
Valtchev, Svilen S.
; Roberty, Nilson C. (2008)
A Time-Marching MFS Scheme for Heat Conduction Problems
Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements: 32(6), 480-493.
Martins, Nuno F. M.
Silvestre, Ana Leonor
An Iterative MFS Approach for the Detection of Immersed Obstacles
Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements: 32(6), 517-524.
Konyukhova, N.B.;
Lima, Pedro M.
Morgado, M. Luísa
; Soloviev, M.B. (2008)
Bubbles and droplets in nonlinear physics models: analysis and numerical simulation of singular nonlinear boundary value problems
Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics: 48(11), 2018-2058.
Diogo, Teresa
Lima, Pedro M.
Superconvergence of collocation methods for a class of weakly singular Volterra integral equations
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics: 218, 307-316.
Kitzhofer, G.; Koch, O.;
Lima, Pedro M.
; Weinmueller, E. (2007)
Efficient Numerical Solution of the Density Profile Equation in Hydrodynamics
Journal of Scientific Computing: 32(3), 411-424.
Alves, Carlos J. S.
; Kress, Rainer;
Silvestre, Ana Leonor
Integral equations for an inverse boundary value problem for the two-dimensional Stokes equations
J. Inverse Ill-Posed Probl.: 15 (5), 461-481.
Ford, NJ;
Diogo, Teresa
Lima, Pedro M.
; Thomas, S. (2007)
Numerical modelling of qualitative behaviour of solutions to convolution integral equations
J. Computational and Applied Mathematics: 205, 849 – 858..
Galdi, G. P.; Pileckas, K.;
Silvestre, Ana Leonor
On the unsteady Poiseuille flow in a pipe
Z. Angew. Math. Phys.: 58(6), 994-1007.
Diogo, Teresa
; Ford, N.J;
Lima, Pedro M.
; Thomas, S. (2007)
Solution of a singular integral equation by a split- interval method
International Journal of Numerical Analysis and Modeling: (167)4, 63-73.
Galdi, Giovanni P.;
Silvestre, Ana Leonor
The steady motion of a Navier-Stokes liquid around a rigid body
Arch. Rational Mech. Anal.: 3, 371-400.
Lima, Pedro M.
Morgado, M. Luísa
Analysis of Singular Boundary Value Problems for an Emden-Fowler Equation
Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis: 5(2), 321-336.
Galdi, G. P.;
Silvestre, Ana Leonor
Existence of time-periodic solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations around a moving body
Pacific J. Math.: 223, 2251-267.
Diogo, Teresa
Lima, Pedro M.
; Ford, Neville J.;
Valtchev, Svilen S.
Numerical Methods for a Volterra Integral Equation with Non-smooth Solutions
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics: 189(1-2), 412–423.
Diogo, Teresa
Lima, Pedro M.
; Rebelo, M (2006)
Numerical Solution of a Nonlinear Abel Type Volterra Integral Equation
Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis: 5(2), 277-288.
Alves, Carlos J. S.
Valtchev, Svilen S.
Numerical Comparison of Two Meshfree Methods for Acoustic Wave Scattering
Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements: 29(4), 371-382.
Galdi, G.P.;
Silvestre, Ana Leonor
Strong solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations around a rotating obstacle
Arch. Rational Mech. Anal.: 176(3), 331-350.
Alves, Carlos J. S.
Silvestre, Ana Leonor
Density Results Using Stokeslets and a Method of Fundamental Solutions for the Stokes Equations
Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements: 28(10), 1245-1252.
Diogo, Teresa
; Franco, NB;
Lima, Pedro M.
High order product integration methods for a Volterra integral equation with logarithmic singular kernel
Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis: 3, 217--235.
Alves, Carlos J. S.
Silvestre, Ana Leonor
On the Determination of Point-Forces on a Stokes System
Mathematics and Computers in Simulation: 66(4-5), 385-397.
Lima, Pedro M.
Diogo, Teresa
Numerical solution of a non-uniquely solvable Volterra integral equation using extrapolation methods
J. Computational and Applied Mathematics: 140, 537--557.
S. McKee; T.Tang;
Diogo, Teresa
An Euler-type method for two-dimensional Volterra integral equations of the first kind
IMA J. Num. Anal.: 3, 423-440.
Diogo, Teresa
; Franco, NB;
Lima, Pedro M.
Analysis of product integration methods for a class of singular Volterra integral equations
Tendências da Matemática Aplicada e Computacional (TEMA ): 1(2), 373--387.
Diogo, Teresa
; McKee, S; Tang, T. (1994)
Collocation methods for Volterra integral equations with weakly singular kernel
Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: 124A, 199--210.
T.Tang; S.McKee;
Diogo, Teresa
Product integration methods for an integral equation with logarithmic singular kernel, Appl. Numer. Math.
Applied Numerical Mathematics: 9, 259--266.
- Center for Computational and Stochastic Mathematics
Instituto Superior Têcnico
Faculdade de Ciências
Universidade de Lisboa