M. Filomena Teodoro
Institutional Address
Escola Naval - Marinha
Base Naval de Lisboa, Alfeite
2810-001 ALMADA
Phone: +0351 210902014 |
Email: mteodoro64@gmail.com
Associate Professor, Escola Naval
Applied and Numerical Analysis
Principal Area
Computacional Mathematics
Other Area
Mathematical Modelling , Biomedical Statistics
- Degree (5 years), Physics and Tecnological Engineering, Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon, 1987.
- Master, Statistics and Information Management, NovaIMS (old ISEGI), New University of Lisbon, 2005.
- PhD, Mathematics, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, 2012.
Papers in International Journals |
Books |
Papers or Chapters in Edited Books |
- Teodoro, Filomena; Rebelo, José; Lampreia, Suzana (2022)
Modeling Waste Management and Boarded Personnel KAP
. In: Machado, J., Soares, F., Trojanowska, J., Ivanov, V. (eds) Innovations in Industrial Engineering. icieng 2021. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. Springer, Cham., 257–270.
- Teodoro, Filomena; Nunes, I; Calhamonas, G and Andrde, Map (2022)
New Refinement of an Intelligent System Design for Naval Operations
. In: Machado, J., Soares, F., Trojanowska, J., Yildirim, S. (eds) Innovations in Mechatronics Engineering. icieng 2021. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. Springer, Cham., 164–177.
- Teodoro, Filomena; Marina A. P. Andrade; Eliana Costa e Silva; Ana Borges; Ricardo Covas (2018)
Energy Prices Forecasting Using GLM
. In: Oliveira T., Kitsos C., Oliveira A., Grilo L. (eds) Recent Studies in Risk Analysis and Statistical Modeling. Contributions to Statistics. Springer, Cham, 321-334.
Communications in Conference Proceedings |
- Teodoro, Filomena; Bento, Raquel; Ribeiro, Ana; Pina, Célio; Silva, Paula (2013)
Preliminary Study of Contact Modelling the Interface between User Skin and Wearable Equipment
. Proceedings of the 13th International Computational and Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering (CMMSE 2013), June 26th - 30th, 2013, Almeria, Spain: ISBN 978-84-616-2723-3, 1306-1309.
Thesis |
Edition of Books |
Thesis, (supervision)
- Emanuel Tiago Garcia Fernandes, “Metodologias de Análise de Risco e Aplicações na área dos Mercados Financeiros”, MSc thesis in Estatística, Matemática e Computação, ramo de Estatística Computacional, Univ. Aberta. Superviser: Filomena Teodoro; co-Superviser Teresa Oliveira (ongoing)
- Emanuel Tiago Garcia Fernandes, “Metodologias de Análise de Risco e Aplicações na área dos Mercados Financeiros”, MSc thesis in Estatística, Matemática e Computação, ramo de Estatística Computacional, Univ. Aberta. Superviser: Filomena Teodoro; co-Superviser Teresa Oliveira (ongoing)
- Emanuel Tiago Garcia Fernandes, “Metodologias de Análise de Risco e Aplicações na área dos Mercados Financeiros”, MSc thesis in Estatística, Matemática e Computação, ramo de Estatística Computacional, Univ. Aberta. Superviser: Filomena Teodoro; co-Superviser Teresa Oliveira (ongoing)
- Emanuel Tiago Garcia Fernandes, “Metodologias de Análise de Risco e Aplicações na área dos Mercados Financeiros”, MSc thesis in Estatística, Matemática e Computação, ramo de Estatística Computacional, Univ. Aberta. Superviser: Filomena Teodoro; co-Superviser Teresa Oliveira (ongoing)
- José Baptista Rebelo, " Literacy about waste management in ships from Portuguese Navy", MSc in Military Naval Sciences, Portuguse Naval Academy, Portuguese Navy, superviser: Sofia Jerónimo; co-Superadviser: Suzana Lampreia, Filomena Teodoro (2019)
- João Paulo Fernandes Faria, “Conhecimentos, atitudes e práticas de prevenção sobre Zika, da população embarcada em navios da Marinha Portuguesa”, MSc thesis Tropical in Tropical Health, branch -Tropical Health, Univ. Nova de Lisboa, Instituto de Higiene e Medicina Tropical. r: Superviser: Rosa Teodósio; co- Superviser: Filomena Teodoro (under evaluation).
- José Vieira Duque, “Desenho de Filtros de Kalman aplicados a sistemas de navegação de baixo custo” MSc thesis in Military Naval Sciences, Portuguese Naval Academy, Marinha Portuguesa, (2018) Superviser: Plácido da Conceição; co-Superviser: Filomena Teodoro.
- Andreia Sofia Colaço Romana, “ Hipertensão Arterial em Pediatria – Um estudo observacional sobre o grau de literacia dos cuidadores”, MSc thesis in Medicine, Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Lisboa (2017). Superviser-Carla Simão, Co-Superviser-Filomena Teodoro.
- Joana R. B. Costa, “Hipertensão Arterial em idade pediátrica, que conhecimento têm os prestadores de cuidados sobre esta patologia?”, MSc thesis in Medicine, Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Lisboa (2015). Superviser-Carla Simão, Co-Superviser-Filomena Teodoro.
- Sampaio Pereira. “Railgun. Estudo do funcionamento de um sistema railgun” . MSc thesis in Military Naval Sciences, Portuguese Naval Academy, Portuguese Navy. Almada, Portugal (2016). Superviser- Mário Gatta, Co-Superviser-Filomena Teodoro.
- Moreira do Vale .”Deteção de náufragos com sistemas sonar em UUV's”, MSc thesis in Military Naval Sciences, Portuguese Naval Academy, Portuguese Navy. Almada, Portugal (2016). Superviser- Mário Gatta, Co-Superviser-Filomena Teodoro.
- Rafael Basto, dissertação “Desenvolvimento de um sistema de diagnóstico para o motor LARZAC 04C20 (AJ) ”, MSc thesis in Aeronautical Engineering (2013). Portuguese Airforce Academy, Sintra.
- Paulo Correia, "Proposta de melhoria do sistema de tratamento final de lixiviados do aterro: Remoção de Amónia" , Diploma Thesis, ESTSetúbal/IPS, Setúbal (2014). Advisor: M. F. Teodoro.
- Raquel Bento e Ana Ribeiro, “Diferenças de géneros na percepção à dor em 80 indivíduos da EST de Setúbal”, Diploma Thesis in Biomechanics, Eng. Biomédica, ESTSetúbal, Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal, 2013. Advisors: M. F. Teodoro, P. Silve, C. Pina.
Honors and Awards
- Medal of academic and scientific merit, Politécnic Institute of Setúbal, 2012.
- Honorable distinction of cientific research and organization of a workshop under the aim of International Conference of Computational Science and its Applications, ICCSA 2017
- Honorable distinction of cientific research and organization of a workshop under the aim of International Conference of Computational Science and its Applications, ICCSA 2022.
- "Themis, disTributed Holistic Emergency Management Intelligent System", PI Simões Marques. Marinha Portuguesa, Escola Naval. 2014-2019. Member.
- "Estudo da hipertensão arterial em crianças e jovens na população Portuguesa" , (Sociedade Portuguesa de Pedriatria e Faculdade de Medicina) Leader: C. Simão Participants: A.Teixeira, D. Martins, H. Jardim, J. Eduardo, M. Teodoro, M. Abranches, P. Mendes. 2014-2019
- "Quality assurance of computer simulations of certain systems in the environmental and medical sciences". Local Coordinator: Pedro Lima. Members: T.Diogo, F.Teodoro, M. Rebelo, Abril 2008-Abril 2009. Treaty of Windsor Programme, Portugal-UK , CEMAT/IST and University of Chester.
- "Métodos Computacionais para Problemas Singulares'" CEMAT, FCT, Ref. POCTI/MAT/45700/2002, Jan 2003 to Mar 2007. Member.
- Educational Project Dmat-ESTSetúbal and Escola Superior de Saúde-IPS "Bioestatistics", Sept 2004 to Feb 2005. Member.
- Trimestral publication EXPRESSO, 'Conjuntura, Análise trimestral, Indústria e Energia', Jan 1995 to Mar 1996. Member
- 'Estudo Metodológico da Conjuntura', ADISEGI/ISEGI and Energy and ndustry Ministery, Nov 1994 to Jane 1996. Member.
Organization of Cientific Events/Member of organizer and/or scientific committe
- Co-Organizer of Inter.Conference Workshop in Statistics, Mathematics and Computation WSMC 2019, Lisboa, Junho 2019.
- Co-Organizer of national conference (chair) Jornadas em Classificação e Análise de dados, JOCLAD 2018, Escola Naval, Almada, Abril 2018.
- Co-Organizer of international conference of Inter. conference Computational and mathematical methods in Science and Engineering (CMMSE2018), Rota, Cadiz, Spain, Julho 2018.
- Organizer of workshop "Computational Mathematics, and Statistics for Data Management and Software Engineering", in ICCSA 2017, Inter. conference on Computational Science and its Applications, 2017, Trieste, Italy, Julho 2017.
- Organizer of workshop nº 10 CMSIM2018, Computational Mathematics, Statistics and Information Management, in ICCSA 2018, Inter. conference on Computational Science and its Applications, 2018, Melbourne, Austrália, Julho 2018.
- Organizer of workshop nº 15 CMSIM2019, Computational Mathematics, Statistics and Information Management, in ICCSA 2019, Inter. conference on Computational Science and its Applications, 2019, S. Petersburgo, Rússia, Julho 2019.
- Organizer of Thematic Session Computational Mathematics and Applications in Sciences and Engineering, in WSMC2016, International Workshop in Statistics, Mathematics and Computation, Tomar, Maio 2016.
- Organizer of Thematic Session Computational Mathematics and Applications in Sciences and Engineering, em WSMC2017,Inter. Workshop in Statistics, Mathematics and Computation, Portalegre, Julho 2017.
- Organizer of Thematic Session Computational Mathematics and Applications in Sciences and Engineering, in WSMC2018, Inter. Workshop in Statistics, Mathematics and Computation, Covilhã, Novembro 2018.
- Organizer of Thematic Session Computational Mathematics, Statistics and Information Management in WSMC2018, Inter. Workshop in Statistics, Mathematics and Computation, Lisboa, June 2019.
- Organizaion of International Symposium on Computational Mathematics, Statistics and Information Management in Inter. Conference on Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, ICAMCS2017, Rome, Italy, Janeiro 2017.
- Organization of thematic session , Computational Mathematics, Statistics and Information Management in Inter.conference Workshop on Computational Data Analysis and Numerical Methods, WCDANM2018, Felgueiras, IPPorto, Maio 2018.
- Element of Scientific Committe in the Inter. Conferences: WSCM2017, WSMC2018, WSCM2019, WCDANM2016, WCDANM2017, WCDANM2018, WCDANM2019, ICIE2020, ICIE2022.
- Element of Scientific Committe in the National Conferences: JOCLAD2018, JOCLAD2019, JOCLAD2020, JOCLAD2021.
Seminars/Communications (Invited)
Teodoro, M. Filomena, Numerical Schemes to Solve Some MTFDE's, WCDANM2017, IPB, Beja, October 2017.
Teodoro, M. Filomena, Modeling caregivers literacy about pediatric arterial hypertension, Satellite Meeting ISI-CRA and WSMC11 10-12 July, 2017, Lisboa e Portalegre.
Teodoro, Filomena, Modelling the time between failures using likelihood ratio tests, ICOSDA2016, Niagara Falls, Canada, 14-16 October 2016.
Teodoro, Filomena, Andrade, Mariana A. P.; Costa e Silva, Eliana; Borges, Ana, Modeling electricity prices, WCDANM2016, Portalegre, October 2016.