Erida Gjini
Institutional Address
Instituto Superior Técnico (IST)
Av. Rovisco Pais 1
1049-001 LISBOA
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Principal Investigator in Mathematical biology, Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon
Mathematical Modeling in Biomedicine
Principal Area
Infectious disease models, mathematical epidemiology, stochastic processes
Other Area
Evolution, interaction networks, biodiversity, complexity
Qualifications and previous positions
- Visiting researcher at LE STUDIUM, Loire Valley Institute for Advanced Studies (2021)
- Principal Investigator (2015-2020) Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciencia, Oeiras, PT: Mathematical Modeling of Biological Processes Group
- Post-doctoral researcher (2012-2015) Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciencia, Oeiras, PT: Collective Dynamics Group
- PhD in Mathematics (2012), University of Glasgow, UK
- MSc in Mathematical Sciences (2007), Utrecht University, NL
- Bachelor of Science in Liberal Arts, Major: Maths (2005), Utrecht University College, NL
Papers in International Journals |
Other selected publications:
Gjini E. (2017) Geographic variation in pneumococcal vaccine efficacy estimated from dynamic modeling of epidemiological data post-PCV7 Nature Scientific Reports 7: 3049 | DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-02955-y
Gjini E. and Madec S. (2016) A slow-fast dynamic decomposition links neutral and non-neutral coexistence in interacting multi-strain pathogens.Theoretical Ecology pp:1-13, doi:10.1007/s12080-016-0320-1
Gjini E. and Brito P.H. (2016) Integrating Antimicrobial Therapy with Host Immunity to Fight Drug-Resistant Infections: Classical vs. Adaptive treatment. PLoS Computational Biology 12(4), e1004857. DOI:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1004857
Gjini E., Valente C., Sa-Leao R., Gomes, M.G.M. (2016) How direct competition shapes coexistence and vaccine effects in multi-strain pathogen systems. Journal of Theoretical Biology 388:50-60, DOI: 10.1016/j.jtbi.2015.09.031
Gjini, E., Haydon, D.T., Barry, J.D. and Cobbold, C.A. (2014) Revisiting the difffusion approximation to estimate evolutionary rates of gene family diversification. Journal of Theoretical Biology. 341:111-22.
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