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A note about high blood pressure in childhood

Teodoro, Filomena; Carla Simão

Klimis Ntalianis (edt), AIP, Melville, New York, 1836 (2017), 020088-1–020088-7

In medical, behavioral and social sciences it is usual to get a binary outcome. In the present work is collected information where some of the outcomes are binary variables (1=’yes’/ 0=’no’). In [14] a preliminary study about the caregivers perception of pediatric hypertension was introduced. An experimental questionnaire was designed to be answered by the caregivers of routine pediatric consultation attendees in the Santa Maria’s hospital (HSM). The collected data was statistically analyzed, where a descriptive analysis and a predictive model were performed. Significant relations between some socio-demographic variables and the assessed knowledge were obtained. In [14] can be found a statistical data analysis using partial questionnaire’s information. The present article completes the statistical approach estimating a model for relevant remaining questions of questionnaire by Generalized Linear Models (GLM). Exploring the binary outcome issue, we intend to extend this approach using Generalized Linear Mixed Models (GLMM), but the process is still ongoing.