CEMAT (Center for Computational and Stochastic Mathematics) is a Research Unit of Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa (IST-UL), hosted by the Department of Mathematics and with a research/management Pole at Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade de Lisboa (FC-UL). CEMAT was founded in 1996 with the original name of Center for Applied Mathematics, and later named Center for Mathematics and its Applications.  The Center is funded by FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia), Project UID/Multi/04621/2013 and is a member of CIM (International Mathematics Center). Presently, it has 38 PhD Members from several institutions, 9 PhD Students and 41 Collaborators.

Research Areas



ECQT 2024 - IV European Conference on Queueing Theory

For more information: ECQT 2024's website


Revisiting the Role of Mathematicians in the Era of Artificial Intelligence

In applied mathematics, effective problem solving begins with precise problem formulation, highlighting the importance of the initial problem-setting phase. Without a clearly defined problem, identifying suitable tools and techniques for resolution becomes arduous and o...

Avanços em Ciência de Dados no Paradigma de Análise de Dados Simbólicos (Symbolic Data Analysis - SDA)

Os avanços das tecnologias da informação e dos computadores têm permitido a possibilidade de armazenar grandes e múltiplas bases de dados e frequentemente estes dados podem ser não estruturados com variáveis definidas por múltiplos valores ou múltiplas unidades...

Members of the Board

Manuel Scotto (President)  |  Carlota Rebelo Gonçalves (Coordinator of the Scientific Council)

Members of the Executive Committee

Manuel Scotto (President)  |   Carlota Rebelo  |   Conceição Amado  |  Ana Leonor Silvestre (Vice-President)

Members of the International Advisory Board

Alfio Quarteroni (Chair)  |  Ivan Graham  |  Jean-Éric Pin  |  Peter Rousseeuw