The max-semistable laws: characterization, estimation and testing
Orador: Sandra Dias
CMAT - Pólo UTAD and CEMAT |
Comparison of joint schemes for multivariate normal i.i.d. output
Orador: Manuel Cabral Morais
Comparison of joint schemes for multivariate normal i.i.d. output
Orador: Manuel Cabral Morais
DM-Instituto Superior Técnico; CEMAT |
On ARL-unbiased c-charts for INAR(1) Poisson counts
Orador: Manuel Cabral Morais
Binary autoregressive geometric modelling in a DNA context
Orador: Sónia Gouveia
Institute of Electronics and Informatics Engineering and Centre for R&D in Mathematics and Applications, University of Aveiro, Portugal |
An ARL-unbiased np-chart
Orador: Manuel Cabral Morais
I) Statistical Applications in Climatology. II) Predicting the weather for the next week, outlook of the climate for the XXIst century
Orador: I) Vanda Pires. II) Pedro Viterbo
IPMA, Instituto Português do Mar e da Atmosfera |
On Eigenvalues of the Transition Matrix of some Count Data Markov Chains
Orador: Christian Weiss
Dept. of Mathematics and Statistics, Helmut Schmidt Universität |
Statistical Modeling of Integer-valued Time Series: An Introduction
Orador: Manuel Scotto
CEMAT and Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa |
On stochastic ordering and control charts for the traffic intensity
Orador: Manuel Cabral Morais
CEMAT and DM-IST, Univ. de Lisboa |
On stochastic ordering and control charts for the traffic intensity
Orador: Manuel Cabral Morais
Behind the myth of Option Trading
Orador: Christopher Claude
BNP Paribas, Lisbon |
On ARL-unbiased c-charts for i.i.d. and INAR(1) Poisson counts
Orador: Manuel Cabral Morais
On ARL-unbiased c-charts for i.i.d. and INAR(1) Poisson counts
Orador: Manuel Cabral Morais
Optional-Contingent-Product Pricing in Marketing Channels
Orador: Peter Kort
Tilburg University |
Transmission and Power Generation Investment under Uncertainty
Orador: Verena Hagspiel
Norwegian University of Science and Technology |
On ARL-unbiased c-charts for i.i.d. and INAR(1) Poisson counts
Orador: Manuel Cabral Morais
The importance of Statistics in Bioinformatics
Orador: Lisete Sousa
Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa, CEAUL |
To be or not to be Bayesian: That IS NOT the question
Orador: João A. Branco
CEMAT e Departamento de Matemática, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa |
Anticipative Transmission Planning under Uncertainty
Orador: Verena Hagspiel
Norwegian University of Science and Technology |